Internal control as a strategic support to the management process in a simulated environment
Internal control , Strategy , Business gamesAbstract
The work motivation is related to the identification of the great demand of the students, in the application of rules, techniques and theories for the accomplishment of the financial calculations in an environment of the Simulation GregoMix (SGM) in the discipline Laboratory of Simulated Management I. Often these students end up use inadequate and empirical methods and thus did not adopt correct techniques and concepts when faced with their decisions. Therefore, this work aims to develop a support system that simulates the internal financial control of an industry in game´s environmental, supporting, thus, decision making, it occupies the importance of the integrity and use of the information of way strategic decisions during the business game. For the preparation of this work, a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet was configured, which is divided into ten tabs: start, planning, launches, pricing subdivided into: cost, expense and price, breakeven point, sale, cash flow, demonstration of the result of the exercise, panel, and decision. For the validation of the work and the artifact carried out, a practical experiment involving the use of the target public artifact. As a result, it was possible to reach the conclusion that the development of an internal financial control helped in the decisions of more strategic decisions in a business game.
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