Analysis of the Impact of Investment in Internal Employee Satisfaction on Performance in the Business Games
Business game, Social benefits, Human Resources, Productivity, Training, Salary increaseAbstract
In the current scenario, there is a need for companies to develop skills in order to face the competitive market in which they operate. This need is also present in the simulated game's environment, so, in this study, we will analyze the in?uence of investments in the area of human resources and the return that it is possible to obtain for the company consequently from these investments. The main tools for the analysis come from the results obtained by the investment applied in the social budget, which includes training and quali?cation of the personnel, and by the investments in salary increases. In this way, the study will conduct the validation of the impact that human resources management has on granting bene?ts to employees, who in turn are able to develop skills and perform with satisfaction the task that is conceived, thus collaborating with the expansion and company's productivity.
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