Supplier Selection: a multicriteria analysis of the supplier selection process in a business game
Business game, Simulation, Supplier selectionAbstract
This study aims to analyze the most influential decision criteria regarding the choice of suppliers for wholesale companies in a simulated environment within a Business Game. The research uses the method proposed by Kahraman, Cabeci & Ulukan (2003), which considers 4 types of criteria to be evaluated: criteria related to suppliers, criteria about products, criteria about services, and cost criteria; Criteria about the relationship between companies were also evaluated. The research is characterized as descriptive and presents a quantitative approach. The adopted method was the data survey. Its target audience was based on the representatives of the fictitious wholesale companies participating in a Business Game promoted by the Simulated Management Laboratory class provided by Federal Fluminense University. Based on the obtained results, the criteria related to suppliers, costs, and companies' relationships are the most influential criteria in the decision-making process toward the choice of suppliers.
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