Project communication management practices in non-profit organizations: experiences and suggestions
Projects, Management, Third sector, Communication, Communication planAbstract
The work of non-profit organizations, many of which are guided by project management methodologies aimed at achieving their objectives, necessarily involves communicating these projects to their different stakeholders. Small, medium and large organizations face several communication challenges and, despite the institutional particularities experienced by each one, an organization's experience with project communication management can inspire leaders and professionals in this area, whether in organizations with robust and consolidated project communication practices and methodologies or those where project and communication management is more incipient. Understanding the importance of a good interface between project areas and communication areas, the latter being the protagonists of this work because they are responsible for providing the most relevant and strategic information about projects to the broadest audience and stakeholders of organizations, the aim here was to construct a map that provides a diagnosis of project communication management in different civil society organizations. Lessons learned and good practices were collected and can be shared to benefit leaders in the communications areas of civil society organizations, whether they participate in this analysis or not.
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