A atratividade da firma no ambiente empresarial simulado e as cinco forças de Porter
Business game;, Strategy;, Competitiveness;, EducationAbstract
The main purpose of this research is to identify Porter's five forces at work in the simulated business environment and the role of each of them in the relationships between industries and attackers. In the bibliographic survey, a theoretical construction was carried out on the five forces of Portes, according to the strategic management literature, in addition to addressing the concept of strategy and the games of companies. The theoretical construction occurred mainly through bibliometrics. To achieve the objectives, data were collected on the performance of firms over two simulated years and a questionnaire was applied to the directors. Thus, it was analyzed how each of the five forces acted in the business game of the simulated environment and how they were perceived by the directors. Among the results, it was possible to observe how the bargaining power of suppliers was the main marker of competition between companies, especially in what affected the attacked.
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